What You Can Do to Feel Happy

In modern society, we often feel a vague sense of anxiety by focusing on the unchangeable past or the yet-to-happen future amidst our busy lives. We also may focus on what we lack and feel unhappy by comparing ourselves to others. How can we feel happy?

It is actually quite simple: happiness comes from focusing on the “here and now.” It takes some practice, but it works. Here are some things you can do to feel present:

  1. Mindfulness Meditation
    Breathe slowly and deeply, focusing on your breath and bodily sensations. If thoughts come to mind, observe them and gently redirect your focus to your breath and body sensations. If this is difficult to do, recall a scene that relaxes muscles in your body (e.g., petting a pet, soaking in a hot spring, being in a forest) and practice deep breathing. Practicing this throughout the day can change the structure of your brain, allowing you to maintain a meditative state effortlessly.
  2. Gratitude
    Our brain can only recognize what we focus on. Conversely, it is hard to realize if we don’t focus on something. Psychological experiments have shown that focusing on what you can be grateful for rather than what you lack increases your happiness. Before bed each day, write down three things you are thankful for, felt good about, or that went well. Even small things count, like “the weather was nice during my commute” or “I got a seat on the train.” Doing this helps you notice things to be grateful for in everyday life. Also, you can focus on gratitude towards family, friends, and colleagues and express those feelings to enhance your happiness.
  3. Practice a Simple Life
    Let go of unnecessary things and surround yourself only with what you need and like. This applies not just to physical items but also to relationships. Spend more time with people who make you feel good and declutter your relationships to connect more with yourself.
  4. Interact with Nature
    Spending more time in nature enhances the feeling of being present. Take a walk in the park or forest, focusing on nature’s beauty, sounds, and smells. This relaxes your body and refreshes your mind. Gardening and nurturing plans also help you enjoy the process of growth and focus on the present moment.

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