for Highly Sensitive People
Inner Peace

“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are.”

– Brene Brown



The discomfort and anxiety you feel might be a message from your subconscious wanting to live as your true self.

This discomfort can sometimes manifest as loneliness, anxiety, or depression.

I hope to help you navigate these feelings and find a path toward understanding and embracing your unique sensitivities.

Your sensitivity is a strength that allows you to experience the world more deeply and richly. Understanding and accepting your emotions can transform this sensitivity into a powerful asset. I am here to support you through coaching and counseling, helping you find your inner peace and happiness.

HSP コーチング/カウンセリング インナーピース HSP Coaching/Counseling Inner Peace

What is HSP?

HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) refers to people born highly sensitive and responsive to stimuli. According to research by Dr.Elaine Aron, a leading authority on HSP, 15-20% of the population (one in five people) have HSP traits.

Traits of HSP

HSPs have unique personalities, and their sensitivity manifests differently.

Dr. Aron explains HSP traits with the acronym D.O.S.E.

D – Depth of Processing

This is a fundamental trait of HSPs. They tend to understand things from multiple perspectives and take time to make decisions or respond due to their deep thinking.

O – Overstimulation

Living in a non-HSP world can be challenging for HSPs. For example, loud noises, crowds, tastes, smells, fast-paced environments, or even hunger can be intensely stimulating.

E – Emotionally Responsive/Empathetic

HSPs tend to have strong emotional reactions to both positive and negative situations. They are often profoundly empathetic and may frequently be consulted for advice.

S – Sensing Subtleties

HSPs are often keenly aware of subtle changes in people’s expressions, voices, plants, or temperatures.

Due to these characteristics, they may experience the following challenges:

  1. Feeling overwhelmed by tasks.
  2. Experiencing anxiety or depression.
  3. Struggling with superficial relationships and small talk.
  4. Being overwhelmed by strong emotions (both positive and negative).
  5. Feeling misunderstood.
  6. Experiencing loneliness.
  7. Feeling stressed in work or school environments.
  8. Perfectionism and self-criticism.
  9. Difficulty saying no and prioritizing others over themselves.

While HSPs often face unique challenges due to their sensitivity, with appropriate support and understanding, they can maximize their potential, and HSP traits can become advantages:

1. High Empathy

HSPs can create good relationships by understanding and empathizing with others’ emotions. They are often excellent supporters and leaders.

2. High Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

Deep information processing and thorough analysis lead to excellent decision-making and problem-solving.

3. Creativity

A rich inner world and emotional sensitivity often result in outstanding achievements in arts, culture, and music.

4. Strong Ethics

HSPs often have a strong sense of ethics and act responsibly towards others and the environment.



Inner Child Therapy

Mindfulness Meditation

Compassion Focused Therapy


I integrate various counseling methods to help you establish an authentic connection with yourself. I help you learn to accept and process your thoughts and emotions. There will be stress management, relaxation techniques, and skills for improving relationships through healthy boundaries and communication. You can also learn how to heal your trauma and deal with any triggers you might encounter in your daily life.

"The ocean does not apologize for its depth and the mountains do not seek forgiveness for the space they take and so, neither shall I."

– Becca Lee

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